Mosaic Vivarium: One System to Manage Every Species in Your Facility

Managing a diverse animal facility is no small task. The challenges of housing species with vastly different reproductive cycles, such as viviparous mammals and oviparous amphibians, are only compounded by the variety of housing needs, from cages to tanks to pens. Layered on top of that are the operational complexities of tracking inventory, health [...]

The Savvy Facility Manager Can Cut Costs with Mosaic Vivarium

Facility managers face constant pressure to reduce costs without compromising research quality. Mosaic Vivarium offers a transformative solution, leveraging real-time data to identify inefficiencies and streamline operations.Imagine eliminating outdated practices, minimizing errors, and freeing up valuable resources—all while maintaining compliance and research integrity.In our previous articles, we highlighted three key strategies for laboratory animal facilities [...]

From Sticky Notes to Streamlined Approvals: Improving Work Requests in Animal Facilities

In many animal facilities, requests for work—like setting up breedings or eliminating animals—are still handled through email, phone calls, or even sticky notes. While this may get the job done, it leaves behind a weak audit trail and creates opportunities for miscommunication and lost details. Mosaic Vivarium changes that. With Mosaic Vivarium, any task can [...]

2024-11-07T21:10:53-08:00October 24th, 2024|Colony Management, Comparative Medicine, Lab Animal Research|

Say Goodbye to Daily Census Taking with Mosaic Vivarium

Tired of daily census taking? Many new customers of Mosaic Vivarium are pleasantly surprised to learn that they no longer need to conduct this tedious task to maintain accurate cost accounting.  Traditionally, lab animal facilities relied on labor-intensive processes where technicians manually surveyed animal rooms, tallying up the number of cages on racks for each [...]

2024-11-07T21:11:36-08:00September 10th, 2024|Colony Management, Comparative Medicine, Lab Animal Research|

Keep Your Lab Animal Facility in IACUC Protocol Compliance with Mosaic Vivarium

In a previous article, we discussed how real-time tracking of cages and animals in a lab animal facility can lead to significant cost savings. Beyond financial benefits, accurate data offers significant additional advantages, particularly in the realm of compliance with, and reporting for, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee protocols. Real-Time IACUC Protocol Compliance A [...]

Maximize Cost Savings in Lab Animal Operations with Mosaic Vivarium

In lab animal facilities, making informed decisions quickly can significantly impact operational efficiency and cost management. The key element driving informed decisions is access to real-time, accurate data. Mosaic Vivarium offers a comprehensive solution that not only streamlines operations but also helps identify areas where costs can be reduced. The Power of Real-Time Data Having [...]

Enhance the Efficiency of Your Laboratory Animal Facility with Comprehensive Enterprise Software

Is your animal facility struggling to serve your research community efficiently due to multiple electronic and paper systems that are not connected? Many laboratory animal facilities, from universities and nonprofits to biotechs and pharmaceutical companies, face significant inefficiencies because of this fragmented approach. In this article, we’ll discuss the common problems most research facilities [...]

Mosaic Vivarium: A Unified Solution for Diverse Lab Animal Management

Zebra Finches. Zebrafish. Axolotls. Did you know that Mosaic Vivarium can be used to manage all three of these species and more? Read our latest article to learn how our software can help you manage large populations of various species.  Streamline your operations, enhance your compliance and more with Mosaic Vivarium. Managing a diverse [...]

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