Our Partners – Mosaic Vivarium integrates with Transnetyx

Electronically transfer your Transnetyx genotyping results back to your animals in Mosaic. Save time and avoid costly mistakes.

2 One-On-One Sessions:

This service offering provides a walk-through setup of Mosaic-Transnetyx integration and teaches the user how to perform these steps in the future.

Session 1

Prepare a genotyping order in Mosaic and submit to Transnetyx (maximum of 2 strains/colonies).

Session 2

Import genotyping results from Transnetyx into Mosaic.

Record Samples Placed on Transnetyx Plate

Record Samples Placed on Transnetyx Plate

Export to Transnetyx

Export to Transnetyx

Import Results to Mosaic

Import Results to Mosaic

To schedule a demo, please select a time and date using the calendar below. Once submitted, you will receive an email with the meeting link. Thank you for your interest in Mosaic Vivarium.

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